We are all constantly requested to respond to events and congressional initiatives by outside advocacy groups and at times by our own politicians but we also need to be able to respond both as individuals and as a local committee to what issues we consider important; on the national, state and local level. We also need to use all or some of the methods below to help Democratic candidates for office win their races. Some of them are more immediate, others involve more time and thought. Use what is appropriate or suggested. Most of the list is linked to more information.
- Displaying Yard Signs
- Telephone Calls
- Social Media
- Letters/Postcards
- Send Postcards to Voters
- Organize Meet and Greets for Candidates
- Letters to News Media
- Demonstrations and Marches
- Signing petitions
- Indivisible Groups – 5th and 6th District
- Following/Lobbying for or against our local Bedford Board of Supervisors initiatives. Find your elected Supervisor here
- Following/Lobbying for or against particular Virginia Legislation
- Following/Lobbying for or against US Congressional Legislation
- A Nationwide calendar of resistance events
- 5calls – Turn your passive participation into active resistance. Facebook likes and Twitter retweets can’t create the change you want to see. Calling your Government on the phone can. Get that reminder on your phone. Spend 5 minutes, make 5 calls.
- How to call your reps when you have social anxiety
- The 65 has compiled a set of scripts for over a dozen issues in the progressive agenda.
- Daily Action – Resisting extremism in America, one phone call at a time – Mobile alerts from Daily Action