- Pick a topic
- Write a letter. You can also write your Congressmen or Senators directly through their websites and mailed via paper and stamp to their office. I would suggest when you compose a letter that you do both; submit it to newspapers and your elected representatives.
- Send on a Thursday for the following week
- Submit to all four newspapers (see below)
Suggested topics:
- Jobs and the economy
- Education
- Energy and the environment
- Climate change
- Equal rights and voting
- National security
- Health care
- Taxes
- Women’s health
- Reasons you support the Democrats?
- Money and politics
- Social Justice
- Other
Submit your letters to:
- Lynchburg News and Advance – 300 word limit
- Roanoke Times – 350 word limit
- Smith Mountain Eagle – 250word limit
- Bedford Bulletin
send your text email directly to news@bedfordbulletin.com
Most of the papers will let you write one letter a month. Stick to the issues. Have someone else read it before you send it out. Let’s elevate the discussion!